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  • Automated network map
  • Configuration backup
  • Network change tracking
  • Network monitoring
  • Network troubleshooting tools
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ServiceNow & UVexplorer Integration

ServiceNow is a cloud-based workflow automation platform that enables enterprise organizations to improve operational efficiencies by streamlining and automating routine work tasks. By sending asset data and notifications into ServiceNow, UVexplorer users can create helpdesk tickets and receive notifications for network outages, asset changes and monitoring issues immediately. ServiceNow integration provides enhanced teamwork and productivity from UVexplorer. (UVexplorer also provides Slack and email notifications)

1. Notifications of Asset Changes in ServiceNow

UVexplorer collects detailed inventory information for the devices on your network: system information, serial numbers, IP/MAC addresses, host names, installed software, network interfaces, network connections, route tables, ARP caches, BIOS information, and much more. When the asset details change, UVexplorer can notify you through ServiceNow:

servicenow integration

The integration into UVexplorer will also export data from the discoveries into your ServiceNow platform:

2. Network Monitoring - HelpDesk Tickets

UVexplorer monitors Up/Down (ping), HTTP, CPU and other components  of your network and the integration with ServiceNow will create helpdesk tickets of the issues. This provides immediate notification of issues for fast resolution and increased uptime. 

3. Configuration Backup and Change Notifications

One of the most important tasks UVexplorer is able to perform is the backup of startup and running configuration scripts for routers, switches and firewalls. UVexplorer ‘s integration into ServiceNow will create HelpDesk tickets for changes to configurations or failure to back up. 

For more information on ServiceNow and UVexplorer, please contact our Sales Team.