Assign devices to a different category

UVexplorer may assign a device to an incorrect category. If this happens you are able to permanently assign a device to specific category for all future discoveries. To do this, go to ‘Settings’, ‘User Categories’ and under the “User Defined Categories Map” section, select ‘Add…’: Select oid, mac, ip or ip-range: Enter the ‘Key Value’ […]

Export a Layer 2 Map to Microsoft Visio

UVexplorer exports to Visio in the VSD format. To export to Visio right click the map and go to “Export…”: You can then select the Visio features you’d like to include: This will export a .VSD file to your Windows desktop for use in Microsoft Visio.

Find your PRTG Passhash for the UVexplorer – PRTG integration

The PRTG Passhash is required for connecting the UVexplorer/PRTG integration: This passhash is found in PRTG at “Setup” -> “My Account” -> Click the blue ‘Show Passhash’ button: Enter the passhash into UVexplorer and then test the connection.

Limit the UVexplorer Discovery to Only Preferred Devices

To limit the types of devices UVexplorer discovers, open your Discovery Settings and go to the ‘Include/Exclude Scopes’ tab: You can then select which devices to include and exclude, and you can include/exclude devices by IP address.

Export CSV reports from UVexplorer

In the ‘Reports’ tab on the bottom bar, select the ‘Printer’ icon on the bottom left of the window: This will open the Preview dialog box: Select the export option and choose CSV: Select the type of encoding, mode and text seperator: The report will be exported to your desktop in the CSV format.

Fortigate config backup issue

Fortigate has recently release firmware upgrades that require a higher level of encryption (negotiated) with UVexplorer’s SSH client.  If you’ve upgraded to Fortigate firmware v 7.2.7 or higher and you implement userid/password to ssh to the device, then we recommend updating UVexplorer v125. v125 has resolved this encryption issue on Fortigate devices. For more information or assistance […]

Cisco switches configured with SNMP v3 are not displaying connections.

There is a known issue with Cisco switches configured to SNMP v3 where they are not able to display the connections between devices. This is due to Cisco disabling the display in their SNMP v3 protocol.  The resolution for this issue is to either add SSH credentials to UVexplorer for the Cisco switches. The SSH […]

Discovery Scan Hangs/Freezes Without Finishing

This issue typically occurs when UVexplorer is unable to connect to a device and the discovery hangs. To resolve this issue, first capture the IP address of the ‘trouble device’, by clicking “Tasks…”: UVexplorer will display the IP address of the ‘trouble device’. Now test the discovery without this ‘trouble device’. Add that IP address […]

UVX Maps and UVX Reports Tab Not Displaying in PRTG

When the UVexplorer ‘Maps’ and ‘Reports’ tab are not being displayed in PRTG. The issue is typically do to an update of the PRTG software. This update breaks the integration registration between UVexplorer and PRTG. Please restart the “PRTGCore” service in your Services and re-register the PRTG plug-in in UVexplorer by going to Settings tab […]