ERROR: Expect: Interaction timed out – SSH Timeout for Configuration Backup
If you are receiving the following timeout error:
11/02/2023 17:38:36.574: Initializing
11/02/2023 17:38:36.574: Looking up script: BackupStartup
11/02/2023 17:38:36.574: Initializing SSH:
11/02/2023 17:38:36.574: Getting device command-line settings
11/02/2023 17:38:36.574: Running script commands
11/02/2023 17:38:36.574: Starting Connect
11/02/2023 17:38:36.574: Creating session
11/02/2023 17:38:36.574: Connecting session
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: Connected
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: ReadTimeout: 3000
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: SessionTimeout: 3
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: Ending Connect
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: Starting Login
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: Starting Expect
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: Expect prompts: 4
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: regex:(?i)(username:|user name:|user:|login:|login as:) ?$
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: regex:(?i)password: ?$
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: regex:(?i).*(-+\s*more\s*-+.*|\(.*more.*\).*|more.+<return>|more:.*|press <space> to continue or <Q> to quit:?|press any key to continue \(Q to quit\) ?|press any key to continue:?|press return to continue:?|to continue or <Q> to quit:?) ?$
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: regex:(?i).*(>|:~|#|]|%|\(enable\))( ?$|.*\$?$)
11/02/2023 17:38:37.402: Starting MultiWaitFor2
11/02/2023 17:38:40.496: Ending prompt:
11/02/2023 17:38:40.496: Unmatched data: 0
11/02/2023 17:38:40.496: Ending MultiWaitFor2
11/02/2023 17:38:40.496: ERROR: Expect: Interaction timed out
11/02/2023 17:38:40.496: Unmatched output: 0
11/02/2023 17:38:40.496: Ending Expect
11/02/2023 17:38:40.496: Ending Login
It is typically a timeout error from your SSH credential. Increase your SSH timeout to 4000: